Today Exchange Rate Sar To Inr In Fawri

The current sar inr exchange rate is 19 60.
Today exchange rate sar to inr in fawri. The page provides data about today s value of one riyal in indian rupees. In june 1986 the riyal was officially pegged to the us dollar at a fixed exchange rate of 1 u s. Dollar 3 75. Money transfer in a fawri.
The interactive form of the currency calculator ensures navigation in the actual quotations of world currencies according to open exchange rates and displays the information in a graph. Last updated on september 11 2020 19 00 07 utc. The saudi riyal to rupee exchange rate sar inr as of 13 sep 2020 at 5 03 pm. Fawri banking services division provides international remittance service to it customers with services offered in 220 countries.
1 sar to inr 19 9181 indian rupees. Also view riyal to rupee currency charts. 1 usd 3 75000 sar. Sign up for free exchange rate alerts or just get daily weekly rates and news to your inbox.
Convert saudi riyals to indian rupees with a conversion calculator or riyals to rupees conversion tables. 06 08 2020 al rajhi western union fawri stc pay riyadh bank moneygram ncb quick pay enjaz telemoney jkmedia exchangerate srtoinr exchange money cash. It means you will get inr 19 6023 for 1 sar or sar 0 051 for 1 inr. 1 sar to inr 1 sar 19 62 inr at the rate on 2020 09 18.
The prices displayed above are our best guidance on the likely exchange rates and for indicative purposes only. Sr to inr exchange rate date. Sar saudi riyal country saudi arabia region middle east sub unit 1 riyal 100 halala symbol ر س pegged. All figures are live mid market rates which are not available to consumers and are for informational purposes only.
Compare the best travel. The saudi riyal has been the currency of saudi arabia since the country came in to being and was the currency of hejaz before saudi arabia was created. Bank aljazira a saudi joint stock company fully paid capital sar 8 200 000 000 commercial registration.